Someone who saw my blog e-mailed me asking me about my political views. I think this is a fair thing to ask. I think everyone should have views. My views are rooted in the Bible, and when the issue cannot be found in the Bible, I use the Bible's teaching to assume what the Bible would have said about it. So, here are the issues that person sent:
Abortion: This is a big issue today. The very word makes many people uncomfortable. I think it makes people for abortion uncomfortable because they feel they are having to defend themselves from an unholy act, and those that support it feel that they are being seen as condemning. My personal opinion is that I am against abortion. I feel that it is not fair to terminate the future life of a person for any reason. The only reason for abortion would be medical, which, as I understand, rarely occurs. But I feel that if a parent does not want the child (as that woman my ex-husband had an affair with), instead of abortion you should choose adoption. There are plenty of parents that are happy to take care of children that aren't theirs. I adopted Sasha and I could not have done otherwise looking back, knowing the blessing she has been. There are economic reasons for abortion, but adoption is an option (and often times the person giving up the child receives financial compensation that can be used to help their condition- and especially if they have other children, this can be a good solution). Is it a woman's right to abort? I am a woman and I feel that my husband (if I had one still) has the same ownership of the child as I would. It is a woman's body, but the husband is part of the child. And I also believe it is a child at the moment of conception.
War: Well, for the idea of war, I simply point to the Old Testament. Much of the Old Testament involves violence and war. God typically destroys his enemies through Israel. And God's enemies were always evil (God calls them "wicked"). I see terrorism as wicked. I think God would want us to destroy terrorists. Am I saying that the War in Iraq is God's will? I can't say either way. I can say that if the motives for war are consistent with God's teaching, then that war is justifiable. But I would even venture to say that God is using terrorism. God does not approve of it, but like all things, He can use it. In the Old Testament, if Israel disobeyed and turned away from God, then the nation was often attacked by enemy nations. Could America, who is not exactly pro-God, be in the midst of God's punishment? Again, I can't speak for God, but you see my logic. I think that God can use war. I don't think both sides in a war are right all the time. We may be wrong in this war, I'm not sure. But overall I feel that we are attacking a nation that suppresses people, especially women, attacks innocent people, and is an enemy of Christianity. Should we destroy all enemies of God? In the Old Testament, that was how they did it. Now we use the power of Jesus to convert them through love. But still, I think that sometimes love is just not enough for protecting innocent people.
Gay Marriage: First of all, I believe that homosexuality is sinful. I don't think that feeling homosexual feelings is necessarily a sin, although homosexuality is a result of sin, but acting in homosexuality is detestable to God, as it says in the Bible. Even in the New Testament, Paul writes that homosexual acts are wrong. So I think that the act of getting married is a strong homosexual act, and I think it is wrong. It acts like homosexuality is not a moral issue, even though it is. It makes marriage less sacred. Being a divorcee, I feel bad for what happened. But my husband's sin broke the sanctity of our marriage, so I felt it was justified. But if that sin could not keep our marriage together, how can homosexuality keep their marriage together?
Universal Medical Care: I actually hope that my medical care is free. I am getting older and know that I may need lots of medical care soon. Of course, this is a bit selfish to support a view. I really am not sure. I don't know enough about economics to have an opinion. I think that we should work for our medical care, as laziness is sinful according to Proverbs. So if univesal medical care is to allow laziness (I hear that socialist societies tend to be lazy) then I am against it.
Church and State: I think its sad that our government is afraid to acknowledge the existence of God. Our nation was founded with God being a figure in the formation of the government. I think we need to celebrate the fact that Christianity is such a major thread in the fabric of our nation. I think that prayer in public school should be allowed, but not necessarily required (I think if the teacher or principal wants to pray that should be fine). Pushing religion on people is not wrong. Saying that it is wrong is pushing religion on people, the religion of not having religion.
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